Bread Made Easy

This comprehensive masterclass covers everything you need to know to master bread making.

  • Step by step - I show you the full bread making process to give you confidence to make great bread at home using one master recipe

  • My tips and tricks show you how easy it can be to fit bread making into a busy day

  • Learn how to flavour and shape your dough in lots of different ways

  • Learn how to shape tin loaves, bloomers, round loaves, braids, knots, batards, rolls, swirls

  • Make rolls, pizza, pizza rolls, pitta breads, focaccia with different toppings, Marmite bread, tomato loaf, wild garlic pull apart loaf, pesto & harissa pull apart loaf, tiger bread, date & walnut loaf and garlic swirl bread.

  • I explain the science behind making bread to help you troubleshoot your dough and overcome your fears

  • Over 60 lessons with a mix of videos, text lessons and downloads

  • Includes 1 hour one-to-one exclusive online chat with Kath to help answer your questions or resolve any problems - worth £30

  • Includes my Bread Made Easy ebook to download and print off for use in your kitchen, filled with advice and tips and all the recipes.

  • You get continued access after you have completed the course (for at least twelve months) so that you can revisit to refresh your memory as much as you like. The course is self paced and you learn from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Watch Intro Video

Welcome to Bread Made Easy

Introductory video

Bread Made Easy

Learn how easy it to make delicious bread at home and fit bread making into your busy day

Welcome to my online bread making masterclass that shows you step by step how easy it is to make delicious bread at home. 

This course transforms you from a novice to a keen bread maker and will give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to make a variety of delicious bread for your family and friends.

  • Has making bread at home always seemed too hard or complicated? 
  • Do you think it will take up too much time in your already busy day?
  • Have you made bread before and it ends up as hard as a house brick or as flat as a frisbee?  

This in-depth masterclass will banish any of your concerns and fears and you will be confidently making bread for everyone you know. 

I share my tips and tricks to show you just how easy it is to make bread at home.  Even on your busiest day you will still be able to fit in making a loaf.

Using just four ingredients and one master recipe I show you how to make different shaped breads, rolls, pitta and pizza bases. Then, by adding just a few ingredients you can transform that bread into focaccia and a range of flavoured breads, including date & walnut bread, Marmite bread and tomato bread to share with family and friends.

Take a deep dive into bread making

and transform into a confident bread maker

This course is designed to give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to transform you from a novice to a keen and confident bread maker. You won't just learn how to make a variety of different shaped and flavoured breads using just one master recipe...

  • You will learn step by step the stages of bread making and the equipment and ingredients that you need 
  • I show you how to properly hydrate and mix your dough so that your bread doesn't turn out like a house brick or frisbee
  • Discover how to develop your dough using the stretch and fold method or by kneading or using your stand mixer. This will help you decide which method suits you best and fits best around your busy day.
  • I show you how to easily fit bread making into your day by adjusting the temperature of your dough and leaving it at room temperature or using the fridge.
  • You will learn what happens to the dough whilst it is rising so you know what to look for.
  • I show you how to shape your dough. You will learn how to shape a bloomer, a tin, a round loaf, rolls, braids, fougasse, focaccia, tiger bread, date & walnut loaf, pizza, pitta breads, swirl breads and pull apart breads.
  • I also show you different ways to flavour your dough so that you can make an almost infinite variety to impress family and friends.
  • I show you what a fully proofed looks and feels like.
  • Learn how to properly score/ slash a loaf and why this is important.
  • I show you how to get the best out of your oven and how to use steam in your oven to improve the flavour, texture and appearance of your bread.
  • Learn about oven spring, what it is, how it works and how it improves your loaf
  • You will learn about using a dutch oven and the difference it can make to your loaf.
  • I will show you how to use and care for a banneton (proving basket). How to stop your dough sticking and what to use as an alternative.
  • Know when your loaf is properly baked and the importance of letting it cool before enjoying it.

Enrol now to get started

Make delicious bread at home in a really easy way that fits into your daily routine.


“Having never baked anything before and I do mean NEVER, I was very sceptical that I could be taught the skills to produce such a fine looking loaf first time around. Many thanks to the genius of Kath Corfield at Veg Patch Kitchen for putting together such a fantastic online tutorial. If like me... you have the culinary skills of an Otter... I'm sure Kath will point you in the right direction too. ”


“Exceeded expectations as I learnt so much and am inspired to try and improve on the basic technique as well as try some new things. Videos were great, good quality and content, with very clear expectations and really useful to see what we should be aiming for. ”


“"I have never been particularly enthusiastic about making bread before as I don't particularly fancy the kneading - plus I am not always that patient - but this is certainly an eye opener and as you say it makes it easy." Nicola”


Your Teacher

I'm Kath and I am passionate about showing people how easy it is to make delicious bread at home. I have taught bread making at my cookery school, Veg Patch Kitchen, since 2015. I first got serious about bread making in 2009 when the bread I made for my family was terrible. It was hard as a brick. I was frustrated that I couldn't succeed with yeast cookery so I started to read about it and practice and I became obsessed with bread. Finally, the loaves I was making were the best we had ever tasted. I want to show everyone that they can make bread at home too. I set up my cookery school to share my knowledge and help others transform the way that they make bread. I have learned all the tricks that help me fit bread making into a busy day and I want to share these with you so that you can make delicious bread at home for your family and friends.
Kath holding a loaf of bread in Veg Patch Kitchen Cookery School

Learn the science of bread making

The course is comprehensive and will banish any fears or misgivings you have and transform you into a confident bread maker.

Learn the science of bread making so that you can become a better baker:

  • Understand what happens to your dough as it bakes and transforms into bread
  • You will gain an in-depth understanding of the fermentation process and the science of bread making so that you can troubleshoot and experiment
  • Understand the role of water and of salt in your dough.
  • Find out about the different yeasts you can buy and how to use them.

I also show you how best to store your bread so that it stays fresh for longer and lots of ways to use up any leftover bread in sweet and savoury recipes, including a recipe for using up old bread in a new batch. 

An online chat with Kath is included in the price of this course. Together we can troubleshoot and I can answer any of your questions. 

My Bread Made Easy Ebook is filled with tips and advice and has al the recipes included so that you can print it off and use it in the kitchen.

Course curriculum

A step by step masterclass to transform you into a confident baker

    1. How to use this course

    2. Welcome to Bread Made Easy

    3. Introduction

    4. Quick survey

    5. Bread Made Easy Ebook With Recipes to download

    1. The Stages of Bread Making

    2. Bread making equipment

    3. Ingredients for master recipe

    4. How to mix your dough

    5. How to stretch & fold your dough

    6. How to knead dough

    7. Using a stand mixer

    8. Fermentation/ Proving

    9. Shaping your dough as a bloomer or for a sandwich tin

    10. How to tell when your loaf is ready for the oven

    11. Slashing/ scoring your loaf

    12. Getting the best out of your oven

    13. How to steam your oven

    14. Baking your loaf, oven spring explanation and checking that your loaf is baked

    1. How to use a banneton/ proving basket

    2. No banneton? How to use a colander instead

    3. How to stop your dough sticking to your banneton

    1. How to use a Dutch oven

    2. Introduction to using a hot Dutch oven versus a cold Dutch oven

    3. Preparing the loaves

    4. Loading the doughs into the Dutch ovens

    5. The loaves during the bake

    6. A comparison of the loaves

    1. How to shape a boule (a round loaf) and use a banneton

    2. Preparing the boule (round loaf) for the oven and checking that it is baked.

    1. Shaping rolls in different ways

    2. The baked rolls out of the oven

Online Masterclass

  • 72 lessons
  • 120.00

What do I need to know before the course?

You don't need to have made bread before, ever. This course is suitable for the absolute beginner. It is also suited to those that have tried to make bread but weren't happy with the results. This course will transform you from a bread novice to a bread winner.

What equipment do I need?

To get started with the course you will need: 

  • A mixing bowl
  • Scales, preferably electronic and that weigh in 1g increments
  • A bag of strong bread flour
  • Fine sea salt
  • Fast action/ easy bake yeast
  • Water
  • A baking tray or loaf tin
  • A sharp knife
  • Oven gloves 
  • A cooling rack or wire shelf from the oven

I show you how to use this equipment and advise on other equipment that you may want to use to progress your bread making.

Want to buy for someone else?

You can buy a gift voucher for this course


  • Do I get instant access?

    Yes, as soon as you make the payment you can start the course.

  • How long do I get to finish the course?

    Once you have bought the course you have ongoing access so you can dip in and out as much as you like. That means you can rewatch the videos whenever you are baking.

  • Do I need to have made bread before?

    No, this course is prefect for beginners. You don't need to have made bread before. This course is also great if you are struggling with making bread. By following my method you will soon be making delicious bread for your family and friends.

  • Do I need any equipment?

    You will need an oven, a bowl, a set of weighing scales, a baking tray and the ingredients to get started.

  • Is the course easy to understand?

    Yes, I have tested this course with people who have never baked anything before and they were making great bread with their first attempt. I have deliberately made the course simple to follow. The course is a mixture of video lessons, (all subtitled so that they can be watched with the sound off), text lessons and an ebook that you can print off at home.

Any other questions?

Contact Kath if you need any help or have any questions at [email protected]