Included with Bread Made Easy Membership

This course is included in Bread Made Easy Membership. Become a member to access this and my other online courses.

Bread Basics

Start your bread making journey

My online Bread Basics course is perfect for anyone new to bread making or for someone struggling to get the process right. It takes you step by step through the basics of making a simple white loaf so that you can confidently start to make delicious bread at home. If you are ready to start learning the basics of bread making, this is the course for you.

New to making bread?

Are you struggling to make a good loaf or have no idea where to start?

I show you step by step how to make a great loaf of bread using my Simple White Bread recipe. Once you have mastered this recipe you will have the confidence to start making lots of other breads to impress your family and friends. This course will banish your fear of making bread.

In this online course I show you:

  • The stages of bread making, so that you fully understand the process from start to finish
  • The ingredients and equipment that you will need
  • How to mix your dough properly
  • How to develop the gluten in the dough using the stretch and fold method instead of kneading. This method makes bread making very easy and makes it easier to fit making a loaf into a busy day.
  • What to expect as the dough ferments and how to fit this fermentation around a busy day
  • How to shape your dough as a bloomer or for a loaf tin 
  • How to shape your dough as a boule and how to use a banneton/ proving basket
  • How to tell when your loaf is ready for the oven
  • The technique for scoring/slashing your loaf so that it can expand in the oven
  • My top tips for preparing your oven ready to bake your loaf
  • How and why you steam your oven 
  • How to test your loaf is fully baked and why you should let it cool fully before eating it.
  • A bonus chapter that compares kneading with the stretch and fold method to test which makes the best loaf. I think you will be surprised at the results. 

My Bread Basics eBook is included and is filled with advice, tips and photos. You can download this ebook and print it off at home to use in the kitchen as you bake. 

By taking this course you will learn the basic techniques for making great bread at home so that you can start your own bread making journey.

This course is a mixture of videos (fully subtitled) and text lessons with a downloadable ebook (PDF).  The course is self paced and can be taken in the comfort of your own home.

Once you have purchased this course you will have continued access, so that you can dip in and out and refresh your memory whenever you need to. 

You will have access to any future updates. 

Introduction to Bread Basics Video

Find out more about the course

Meet your teacher

This is me, Kath, doing what I love - teaching people how to make delicious bread. I am a self- taught baker and have been teaching people to make bread at my cookery school since January 2015. When I first made bread I was terrible at it. I made frisbees and house bricks. However, I was determined to learn how to make great bread at home. In this course I will show you my tips and tricks for making bread in a really easy way so that you become a confident baker fast.

What will I learn?

    1. How to use this course

    2. Welcome to Bread Basics

    3. The stages of bread making

    4. Bread making equipment

    5. Ingredients for a simple white dough

    6. Mixing your dough

    7. How to stretch and fold your dough

    8. How to knead dough

    9. Using a stand mixer

    10. Fermentation/ Proving

    11. Shaping your dough as a bloomer or for a tin

    12. How to tell your loaf is ready for the oven

    13. How to slash/score your loaf ready to bake

    14. Top tips for preparing your oven for baking

    15. Steaming your oven and why it's important

    16. Baking your loaf and checking it's fully baked

    17. Bread Basics eBook

    1. Getting to know the three different yeasts

    2. Which yeast should I buy?

    3. How do I use yeast?

    4. How does yeast work?

    1. Kneading versus stretch and fold. Which is better?

    2. Kneading the dough

    3. Stretching and folding the dough

    4. Comparison of the doughs during fermentation

    5. Shaping the doughs

    6. A comparison of the baked loaves

    1. How to shape a boule (a round loaf) and use a banneton

    2. Preparing the boule (round loaf) for the oven and checking that it is baked.

    1. No Banneton? Use a Colander and Cloth Instead

    1. Congratulations you have completed Bread Basics

  • £45.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • This course is also included in my Bread Made Easy Membership


  • Is this course suitable for a beginner?

    Absolutely! This course has been designed especially for anyone who hasn't made bread before or for those struggling to make a good loaf.

  • What equipment do I need?

    To get started with making my simple white bread you need a bag of strong white flour, a sachet of easy bake yeast, salt, water, scales, a mixing bowl, a baking tray, a sharp knife, oven gloves, an oven and a cooling rack or oven grid shelf.

  • Are the videos subtitled?

    Yes, all of the videos are subtitled so that you can watch them with the sound off whenever or wherever you like.

  • Do I need an internet connection?

    Yes, you will need an internet connection to watch the course.

Need more info?

Contact Kath to find out more or to ask any questions. Email [email protected]